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Real-Deal Aioli

['1 large egg yolk', '4 medium garlic cloves, finely grated', '1/2 teaspoon kosher salt', '1/2 cup olive oil']

Whisk egg yolk, garlic, and salt in a medium bowl to combine. Mix in 1 tsp. water. Whisking constantly, add oil, drop by drop at first, then 1/8-teaspoonful at a time as mixture emulsifies and thickens. (Do not add oil too quickly or aioli will break and oil will separate.) Whisk until oil is incorporated and aioli is stiff enough to hold its shape when spooned.
Aioli can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill.

Attribution for Recipes (CC BY-SA 3.0):


The recipes displayed in this app have been crated using content available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. The recipes are based on the following dataset:

[Food Ingredients and Recipes Dataset with Images]

[Dataset URL] 

License: CC BY-SA 3.0


We  would like to express our gratitude to the content creators who contributed to the dataset and shared their work under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, allowing us to showcase and share these recipes with you.

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